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  My name is Felicity Craig, and I have been passionate about literacy

teaching ever since I came across the idea that understanding print is just like

understanding speech (Glenn Doman, Teach Your Baby to Read) – which

is why babies can do it!

  I used his approach with my own two daughters, at the ages of three and two.

Plus, I taught them phonics, alongside understanding print – using a similar

‘experience based’ approach. (I discovered that sounding out written words

bit by bit is just like sounding out heard words, bit by bit, when we learn to speak – so written language really does work exactly like spoken language.)

Both children were fully literate by the age of five.

  ‘Literate by seven’ shows how we can achieve the same stunning results with all children – including dyslexics – if we abandon the ‘performance based’ approach followed in most schools, and instead teach written language in the same natural ways that parents help their babies learn to hear and to speak.

  Please get in touch if you would like to discuss these ideas further.

Contact details:

Email address:

Phone no: UK: 01803 834270

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